2022 DECEMBER Newsletter: Week 50 – “Those who play together, stay together”

December 2022 Newsletter


“Those who play together, stay together”


Hi Everyone,


It’s the season to be jolly!


Sun, fun and play will wash the moody blues away, and I don’t know about you but bring it on I say!

Back in the 90’s I studied and worked at the C.H.E.K Institute where we had a moto “Exercise is our drug of choice” and it still holds true to this day, although I prefer the term play or movement.

For me that means paddling out into a beautiful swell for a dawn or dusk longboard surf.

What about you? What do you do for sheer enjoyment? Or is this something that needs reigniting?


Candice B. Pert, the scientist who connected brain and behaviour, mood mind and body, explains in her literature how molecules of emotion are opiate-like in structure, hence we inadvertently become addicted to certain feelings.

Mental health is extremely multi-facetted and something I’m very mindful off and passionate about. Research shows that regular physical activity triggers a release of endorphins (your body’s own pain suppressors and ecstasy inducers) and dopamine (a feel good and movement molecule), so I am incredibly privileged to be able to assist by way of play and restorative movement with an almost immediate shift toward a more positive mood. That brings me great joy!


If you need more ‘body play’ to complete your day, come along and try my Friday or Saturday groups sessions - Friday 7:30am sessions are outdoors this summer in Island Bay and Saturday 9am sessions are held at Jhana Millers Gallery.


To wrap things up for 2022, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for your dedication, your support and most importantly, thank you for our friendship!

Have a lovely Christmas, and may the sun and fun be with you 😊


Yours in health & movement.



“Those who play together, stay together”