
Exercise Kinesiology Umami

Hi All,

It was exactly this time 2 years ago when Shaun, who I miss so much, helped carve out my value proposition and what it is I do.

Half way through the process he said the coolest thing, which was, “your system of Exercise Kinesiology is to movement as umami is to food”.

I’ve been practising and helping people help themselves for almost 30 years, and Shaun’s description of my work is no doubt the biggest compliment that I will cherish forever.

Umami means “essence of deliciousness” and the 6 characteristics of umami taste are tongue coating sensation, mouth fullness, long lasting, balanced taste/well rounded, salivation and complexity.

To be a creator not an imitator means trying new things, letting go of rules and paradigms and not be afraid to experiment and fail. I surround myself with problem solvers and get my inspiration from those that challenge and advance my thinking, many of whom are close friends, peers and clients.

“Take what is useful, discard what isn’t, and add what is uniquely your own” – Bruce Lee.

Getting into your body and utilising movement as a tool to overcome pain and limiting beliefs is one of the best investments you can make because your experience will create your learning.

To move effortlessly and conserve energy, bring umami into the recipe - find balance and well roundedness (I don’t mean your belly), develop complexity and reap the long-lasting benefits to compliment your longevity.

Yours in movement and vitality,
