2023 APRIL Newsletter: Week 16 – Physiology of Stagnation

“The best posture is the next posture” – Limber, NZ


Hi All,


Dampness, darkness and stagnation are all setting in, so now is a great time to attune to the qualities of the Autumn season. Perhaps you feel a sense of sadness or perhaps you’re quite happy to embrace the Taoist philosophy of ‘letting go’ and flowing with the beautiful and natural transformations that make up the cycle of life.


So, for the month of April I thought I’d touch on the physiology of stagnation. Stagnation is a state of not flowing or moving. The fluid fields of the body are governed by your kidneys and gravitational forces hence movement is life, and life is movement.


My Exercise Kinesiology approach fosters an enjoyable way of tuning your body under the demands of an urban-industrial environment where stagnation is a high risk.


As part of the solution, I am now a proud affiliate of Limber! It’s a welcome win/win arrangement whereby you will be supporting a groovy Wellington company with values that align with my own, plus you will be supporting me, AND most importantly you will reap all the benefits from using a beautifully designed Limber desk!

If you choose to invest in a Limber desk through me, you will receive a 60-minute introductory lesson on how to stand, sit and modify the archetypal floor postures to suit your individual needs and why. Flow through your day and keep stagnation at bay!


Check out Limber:  https://www.limberlife.co/fem


I’ll wrap it up with a quote from one of my favourite Somatic Movement educators:


Aging is: a gradual deterioration due to gradual surrender and inactivity physically and socially.

Maturation is: a process of learning and acquiring a repertoire of movement skills – T. Hanna


“Function sustains Structure and Structure sustains Function”.


Yours in Health & Movement,

