2023 JUNE Newsletter: Week 23 – Feet Foundations And Fads

Feet Foundations and Fads – A brand new workshop series!

Understanding your body architecture, your posture and ways of moving.
Hi All,
Many fads and trends have come and gone during my 30 years in Health and Fitness, some good some not so good and everything in between. Meanwhile, the industry is booming and incredibly diverse making it difficult to decipher what is best for your body (and mind).
My role as a Holistic Exercise Kinesiologist is to help people restore their natural body architecture and ways of moving for sport, work, play and every-day so I have developed a series of exploratory workshops called Feet Foundations & Fads to help you understand your body better by way of “self-assessing & addressing” and delving into some natural laws that may have been forgotten or not adhered to.
Over the years I have been aggregating and experimenting with various methods in order to create and curate my own in a way that is accessible, incremental and cohesive and it is a great pleasure to do so in collaboration with Bonobos commencing June 24th from 2pm -5:30pm.
It would be great to have you with us, explore, and form new connections. The workshops are limited to approx. 12 participants so if you are keen and curious click here.

Yours in health & movement.

For bookings, txt 021 269 5741
